The movement and change constantly renovates the world, just as the continuous flow of time renovates eternity. The universe is change; our life is the result of our thoughts. ~ Marco Aurelio
This is a lamp wich transforms a preconceived perception in a source of light consisted of essential energy. Animates the artistic creation evocating a vibrant spatial tension. Its purpose is not only to illuminate the space (one component of the global accomplished energy), but also the expression of the inner state and of the duality between material world and spiritual soul! So, the lamp is not only used to achieve a practical effect but, at the same time, a conceptual, mental, emotional and aesthetic one. The fluid, natural, free flowing, sensual forms can soften and humanize the senses, assuming the human feeling and emotion. The discreet line that animate balance and intensity leads to a mentally, spiritually and physically interaction.
The asymmetry of the volumes makes its forms change depending on the point of view, letting space to the selection of different positions in space and to the own interpretation of the viewer;
Around light and liberty they once fluttered like gnats and young poets. ~ Friedrich Nietzshe
In this choreography, is the movement that leads to equilibrium or to fall? The ecstatic movements propagate forces and energies that refer to the embodiment of the eternal battle between body and soul, life and death? The individual parts of the whole, to which nature has given a place in the universe, with the passage of time, inevitably are transformed: this continuous, neccessary change cause everything return to the riverbed of the origins, becoming so the seed for a new life. (...)
The creation acquires inner force and a spiritual content, transmitting energy and vitality. The vitalization is also acquired from the consciousness of gravity, the stresses of the structure and the dynamic movements on a dialectical method of interactions between the abstract research and the materials.